

曾經滄海難爲水…… 當一日, 燈火不再闌珊, 伊人遠去, 是否還值得留下等待? 有多少愛可以重來? 錯過了, 是否就意味著永遠失去? 既然一切已不再, 是否, 最終, 我會選擇放棄? @_@

give me a sky,i can fly

作者: 南湖水怪 日记簿: 不羁的水怪
    few years ago,i always cry
    i lost my sword i lost my soul
    but i still love you,my girl
    i thought that was my fault
    you say nothing left forever
    you want leave i let go
    yesterday never come back i only can cry
    i can't hear any vioce i can't see any way
    i lost my wing i can't fly
    i was an angel now in the hell
    like a people but never die
    i miss you everyday
    i cry for you everyday
    but i can't fly
    what i really want know
    do you happy everyday?
    what i really want ask
    do you love me anymore?
    last night i had a dream
    you told me something always change but something never do
    you told me you love me
    even though it's only a dream
    i become brave
    i want find you
    but you live'in heaven i in hell
    i can't see the way to heaven even sky
    but i believe
    i believe love
    i believe impossible is nothing
    i believe i can fly
    although i lost my wing
    give me a sky i can fly
Front : (2005-02-21)
Next : (2005-02-17)



